Monday, July 30, 2007

12 Byzantine Rulers - The History of the Byzantine Empire

RSS Feed:

Name: Lars Brownworth
Founded: June 2005
Podcast Description: This history of the Byzantine Empire is a lecture series written and presented by Mr. Lars Brownworth who teaches history at The Stony Brook School in Long Island, New York. He has traveled extensively from the furthest reaches of the Byzantine Empire all the way to its heart at Constantinople. Join him for an engaging look at the history of the Byzantine Empire through the eyes of 12 of its greatest rulers.
Category: Byzantine (Later Roman Empire)

# of Episodes: 14
Episode Frequency: Monthly
Popular Episodes: Introduction, Justinian

# of Subscribers: ~100,000
# of Downloads: ~2,000,000
Notable Achievements: Profiled in New York Times, Wired, and NPR


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